
My name is Lane McMartin.

I'm an Electrical Engineer interested in embedded system programming, hardware design, and signal processing.

I'm also interested in game development, film, and photography! Check out my games on Itch.io!


Wearable Health Monitor Capstone Project

This project involved collaborating with a team and a client to design a product that could measure, analyze, and transmit information using the client’s own processor.

Datasheet inspection, electrical analysis, and schematic capture provided ample experience across the development lifecycle. Documentation detailing the functionality, design process, and operating conditions of the project greatly improved my technical writing. Spearheading the project firmware, I gained experience writing C++ and MATALAB. Finally, I grew as a leader through scheduling meetings, organizing documents, maintaining schedules, and taking initiative.

Our project ranked in the top 3; and I returned the next year as a volunteer judge for the course!

  • C++
  • Hardware Design
  • KiCAD
  • Technical Writing
  • Project Management

Burrow Busters - Godot Game

After developing Help Him Cross, I wanted to use everything I had learned about Godot to try making a game with an even LARGER scope than I ever had before. I was heavily inspired by the quirky charm of the many, many, many Flash games that I used to play growing up. This project was also an attempt to further my software development skills: by developing a larger project I hoped to employ everthing I had learned about software architecture and efficient project planning. I also had a blast creating the art - I felt a lot more confident in my spriting abilities after developing my last game and wanted to try experimenting with some more advanced graphics techniques (shaders, lighting, and so on).

  • GDScript
  • Godot
  • Game Design
  • Art

Help Him Cross - Godot Game

For this game, I wanted to try and do somethign with a bigger scope and more polish than I had ever done before! The idea came from a gamejam that had the theme "Roles Reversed" - unfortunately, I knew I would not have time to submit to the jam, but I loved my idea of a "reverse Frogger" so much I just HAD to make the game anyways. I poured a lot of heart into the artistic side of this project, and over the course of development I gained a lot of confidence in my artistic abilities.

  • GDScript
  • Godot
  • Game Design
  • Art

Hell's Garden - Unity Game

I enjoyed working with Unity in the past, and wanted to try a solo project to get a better feel for the engine and how to use it. I completed this project after working through the free developer courses offered on the Unity website. I tried to challenge myself to use a limited color palette, and I think it paid off by giving the game a fun visual identity!

  • C#
  • Unity
  • Game Design
  • Art

Personal Website

I've wanted to put together my own portfolio website for a while now, so I decided to challenge myself and see if I could put something together over a weekend. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to dust off HTML/CSS after a few years and I'm very happy with how the site turned out!

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Web Design

Necromancer Reloaded - Godot Game

After making a game in Unity for a Hackathon, I became more interested in persuing game development as a hobby. This led me to discover the Godot engine, an open-source game engine that uses GDScript (a dynamically-typed Python-esque langauge) and C#. Curious to try learning a new (albeit niche) programming language and a new engine, I decided to make my next game in Godot.

"Necromancer Reloaded" is a reimagining of a previous Hackathon game I worked on in Python (click here)! The game is a top-down shooter where you play as a Necromancer holding off an onslaught of knights. After killing a knight, a gravestone is dropped. By holding the right mouse button, the player can conjure a resurrection spell (becoming immobile while in the process) that will convert graves to ghosts. These ghosts will fight for the player and automatically attack nearby knights.

It was very satisfying to learn a new language and tool from the ground up. It was also rewarding to see how far I've come in my ability to learn new programming langauges and concepts.

  • GDScript
  • Godot

virus.exe - C# Hackathon Game

For HackED 2022 (a hackathon at the University of Alberta) my friends and I collaborated to create a PC game in Unity over 24 hours. This offered me the chance to learn C# and exercise some creative skills in asset development and game design!

In "virus.exe" the player is presented with a fictional OS that has been infected with a virus. Windows with advertisements appear across the desktop, and the player must close them before they get "corrupted" and become uncloseable. If 10 ads get corrupted, the game ends. Over time, the frequency of ads increase and special variations spawn. For instance, a cold-themed advertisement can spawn - which must be clicked several times to shatter the ice covering the ad before it can be closed.

I worked on the window-spawning, game-flow control, and visual aspects of the project. I also worked on spriting and placing elements of the UI. This was my first time committing to making a game in Unity - so it was fun learning how to use the tools and navigate the documentation!

  • C#
  • Unity
  • Photoshop